Thursday, February 28, 2013

stay healthy out there!

{image source, not my lungs}

So after being sick all weekend, I wasn't really getting better this week. I never really felt terrible, but I had this cough that just wouldn't quit. I went to work and tried to tough it out, but by Wednesday, I was at the end of my rope and begged my doctor to fit me in for an appointment. During the exam, she found that I had a really high fever, infections in both ears, and was pretty concerned when she listened to my lungs. So after a breathing test and chest x-ray, she decided I've got PNEUMONIA! What?! Who gets that?! All parties were pretty surprised. Anyway, I got a shot of antibiotics and more to take at home, and I've been placed under house arrest for the next few days.

The biggest bummer of this sickness is the timing. Weeks ago, Jenn and I had booked a weekend "sunshine and warmth" trip to Austin, Texas to escape the grey, cold end of winter in NYC. Now I can't go and I am very sad :( Once I have healed, I'm going to have to come up with some sort of escape for my sanity.

So now I'm spending lots of time watching TV, trying not to go too stir crazy at home. Please send healthy vibes my way! I'm hoping to kick this thing soon and have more interesting things to post about!


  1. Sorry... I think in addition to the doctor's drugs this is a good opportunity to try some of my remedies:
    1. eat some moldy cheese (and not the stuff that's intended to be moldy.
    2. quick swig of bad milk.
    3. gulp of water from the Gowanus Canal.

    1. There seems to be some debate over whether the canal caused my disease or will help cure it!

  2. Oh no Mel :[ Glad you were able to get in to see your doctor, or you could have been worse off! Sleep a lot, watch trashy TV, and use this as an excuse to whine, and demand, that someone cooks for you :]

    1. Thanks, Justine. I did all of the above. Just what the doctor ordered :)

  3. Very sad you will not be joining me:( The office has decided it was the Gowanus Canal that got you sick in the first place. Feel Better!!!

  4. So sorry to hear you are ailing! Feel better soon!

  5. Oh no, you really are SICK! I hope you get better soon! Get some rest!

  6. Feel better - I'm glad you went to the doctor!! Let Netflix soothe your soul!

    1. Thanks, Clare. Me and Netflix are BFFs now!


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