Monday, February 4, 2013

young house love | book signing

Jenn and I met Sherry and John from Young House Love!

And they signed our books!

Those two are the most incredibly chipper people ever. Jenn and I were at another event earlier that evening, so we ended up getting to the book signing towards the end. Even after hours of signing books and chatting with rabid fans, John and Sherry were all smiles and seemed genuinely happy to meet us. I wish I could hide exhaustion half as well as them!

And even though we were late to the party, we still had time to fit in some champagne and a few shots in the photobooth. Thanks, Young House Love!


  1. Looks like a cool book! I will have to check it out. Cute pictures.

    1. The book is really great and STUFFED with fun DIY ideas. They have the most adorable blog too. Those two are superstars really :) Makes me feel lazy!

  2. Replies
    1. Aren't they the best? They were even more adorable in person than on their blog. I'm so glad we were able to make it to the signing!

  3. BEST! So awesome!!!!!

    (also, I love your outfit. And the moustaches!)

    1. Thanks! I need to work on my photobooth moves. Other than just smiling like a dummy, I'm always at a loss for what to do with myself. I guess that's why they give you props!


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