Friday, February 22, 2013

want it, need it, have to have it | oxfords

one | two | three | four | five | six

During the winter, I wear tall boots just about everyday. It's so boring, but they keep me warm and allow me to get use out of my extensive supply of dresses even during the coldest months. I'm hoping, wishing, praying that those days are soon coming to an end for the year and I can inject some variety into my footwear. Before I can joyously break out my sandals, I'm on the lookout for a closed toed option that's a little more interesting than ballet flats. I want a cute pair of oxfords that will go with pants and skirts/dresses. Here are a few options I've found so far. 

Which do you like best? I think two and five are my favorites. Any other shoe suggestions for between seasons?


  1. I have been loving my J Crew MacAlliater wedges in nut and my DV by Dolce Vita Java booties in black (with brown straps). I plan to alternate between the two every day til summer. Since moving to NYC I have forsaken heels in favor of flats, but these are both comfortable enough to wear all day, even on weekends when I'm walking around a bunch. I love oxfords on others and I want to make them work on me (I try various pairs on often), but alas, I can't figure out how to work them into my wardrobe. I like oxfords with a sole, so #1 are my favorite!

    1. I love your wintery options, Kate. Lately I've been seduced by the idea of booties but have a feeling they will cut my legs weirdly and make me look even shorter. They are so cute though. I will have to give them a shot one of these days!

  2. I love these whenever I see them on people but for some people I just don't think I could pull them off :/ I really like 2 and 6 ! And i'm totally with you - BOOTS. EVERY. DAY. - I'm not sure I'll know what to put on my feet when it's warm.

    1. I always have doubts about how things will look on me too. But I've decided if you like something, you just have to go for it and get used to it. Wear it with confidence!

  3. I agree Mel, I like 2 and 5. If I had to choose I would pick 5 because they are different and 2 looks typical. I feel you on the boot thing. I am ready to go shoe shopping but not sure where to start...oxfords, flats, ankle boots?

    1. I vote you go for ankle boots. After these oxfords, those are my next shoe frontier :)

  4. I like #2 the best! Adorable. I actually have some similar to 1 and 2 and both are from Target! In case you want a cheapo option. :)

    1. I do love cheap-o options! Sadly, Target didn't have anything when I went to look :(

  5. I think you may be jealous of my awesome Not Rated oxfords:) But I would definitely go with number 5 or 6 on your list. Or go bold with heals!

    1. Your shoes were a main inspiration for my oxford quest. They are so cute!

      Heels are not happening anytime soon. It's a safety concern really.


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