In case you didn't hear, the Northeast got some snow this weekend. NYC was definitely spared more than the rest of New England, but we got quite a dumping on Friday. (I've been wearing my snow boots for days!) Sadly it couldn't be during the week and at least give me hope of a snow day from work. So is life. And apparently someone at the Weather Channel has decided to start giving every breeze that comes across their radar a name, so this bit of weather was called Nemo. Weird, right? Anyway, here are a bunch of photos of the snow and the rest of the things that happened this weekend.

I would have been perfectly content staying inside all day Saturday reading, but brunch was had at Sidecar and the sun was out, so it was actually a lovely day to trudge through the fresh snow. Kurt was so inspired by news of a blizzard that he booked a last minute bus trip upstate to do some skiing.
I made some of Melanie's Butterscotch Blondies and burnt them. BURNT THEM! It was such a travesty. They had such potential and I let them go a few many minutes too long. I tried chopping off the burnt ends and drowning them in ice cream to make them edible. They deserve a second chance and more attention from me next time. Butterscotch is one of my new, favorite baking ingredients.
Things start getting brown and mushy after a day or two, and the snow kind of loses its magic. Knock on wood, but somehow I managed not to slip and fall on my butt on the second day ice! That's a pretty big accomplishment for me.
Kurt and I spent Sunday running all over Brooklyn taking care of errands. The main event of the day was getting me a TV!! So exciting!
We made a stop at Ikea because Kurt needed a frame. They didn't have the right size, so he didn't buy anything in the end. I, however, came away with plates, a pan, a frame, and a cheese grater. I probably would have bought more if Kurt wasn't impatiently rushing us through each section. That place is a danger to my credit card.
Then Kurt and I set up my TV! And we christened the set with an episode of 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'. It's a mess of wires and I need to figure out a better console system, but I'm so happy with it. I feel like a real adult! Well, not really :)
And then I watched the Grammy's from the comfort of my own couch! I loved JT's performance and the tribute to Bob Marley. I'm happy to be back in touch with pop culture :) I can finally partake in the 'watercooler' discussions at work on Monday!
I hope you all had a great weekend! Kurt and I are off to the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show tonight. I cannot contain my excitement! I've always talked about going but finally went to the trouble to get tickets this year. I'm a little worried about the puppy fever that might ensue. Stay tuned for the waaaay too many photos I plan on taking :)
What a fun weekend! So jealous of your snow! But if there was a blizzard down here I would be in trouble... since where I live you HAVE to have a car to get anywhere. And hooray for a new TV!
ReplyDeleteThat required driving is a drag sometimes. I'm not sure my mom understands that the city can still operate when it snows and I can still get to stores super easy, hence her constant texts to stock up on cat food and milk :)
DeleteI cannot believe all that snow! We never get snow in south carolina, EVER!
ReplyDeleteUgh. Snow is pretty overrated. I would trade places with you in a second! Or maybe that's just me being OVER winter :)
Deletewow so much snow!! and when did they start naming snowstorms, clearly i haven't lived in an area with a snowstorm for a while
ReplyDeleteThe naming thing is so weird, right? I think it is the Weather Channel's idea to get people all hyped up over storms. Seems to be working!
DeleteI would LOVE to live somewhere without snow...or cold...or any winter at all :)
Isn't Ikea just the best? I know putting everything together is a pain, but I just love the place. 500 Days of Summer scene there is my fave.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ikea...we have a love/hate relationship...well, it's mostly love. It is a little too close for the comfort of my bank account though :)
DeleteOh, and 500 Days=LOVE! I own ridiculously few movies and that is one of them. I think it deserves a rewatch on my new TV!