Monday, March 4, 2013

training begins! (sorta)

Remember goal #1 from my New Year's Resolutions? Well, I registered for that Brooklyn Half Marathon, so I guess it's happening! The race is set for May 18th, so I need to get my butt in gear. I'm loosely following this training program (thanks, Colleen!) which starts your workouts about twelve weeks out from your race date. Coincidentally, my first week of training aligned with getting pneumonia, so needless to say, things aren't going so well already. Before finding out how sick I was, I managed to drag myself to yoga and a 3 mile run which made me feel like I was going to die. I don't recommend running with compromised lungs!

I'm a little worried about being set back before even really beginning, but I hope to get back to 100% health soon and really start hitting the pavement. Any training tips out there?


  1. Just take it one long run at a time! And don't freak out if you miss a shorter run here and there... Also... practice with Gu and water during training.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I will have to look up these Gu you speak of. I've never done runs long enough to need sustenance, so practicing with that is a good tip!

  2. yay! i'm glad you found it useful. i find if you start a few weeks late - you may be able to jump in at week 3 in the training guide (particularly if you were running a bit before). the most important thing is to get the 12-mile run, which i believe is two weeks before race time in that training guide. that will help your body understand what you'll need from it, and the next two weeks of tapering down will give it the energy to do again. so focus on building up to that and adjusting the training schedule however you might need to in order to get to that run.

    1. Good to know! I will shift things around to make sure I make it to 12 miles. Thanks, Colleen!

  3. Ohh, good luck! My goal for this year is to run a 5k in anticipation for running the Disney 2014 half marathon. I need a whole year to train since I hate running and am so bad at it. lol. Let me know how your training goes! Are you a runner in general?

    1. 5ks are fun and an easy way to ease into running. I hope you learn to like it! I started running to stay active and really learned to love it and the time I can devote to myself and my thoughts during runs. I will be sure to keep you posted on my training progress. A Disney Half Marathon sounds like fun!

  4. May is still plenty of time to prepare! Good luck! I'm currently injured which is keeping me off of running (and depressed) since I'll likely miss my April half. Get yourself better!

    1. Oh no! I hope you heal up soon and can be ready in time for April! Thanks for your support!


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