Friday, March 22, 2013

running tunes

Since getting over being sick, preparing for my half marathon has been going pretty well. Thankfully, Jenn has been training with me (until she can resume biking) so I've had some accountability to get up for morning workouts. Mostly, we've been meeting at the gym, running on the treadmill, and watching HGTV to pass the time. However, once it starts getting warmer and I start upping my mileage, I'm going to need hours and hours of good music to keep me motivated while running through the park or around Brooklyn. I tend to lean towards upbeat pop stuff or repetitive sort of techno. Anything that keeps me moving! I've put together a preliminary list of songs I want for my runs, but I need more! I need your help! What are your favorite workout song(s)?

Please leave your music suggestions in the comments. There is no judgement here. The trashier the pop songs the better :) Thanks!


  1. Guilty pleasure: One Direction.

    Also - I love the spotify app, it's basically $10/month to have on your phone but you never need to buy anything on itunes - great playlist mixes available there too.

    1. Oooh. All these streaming music sites are so foreign to me. I will have to check that out!

  2. i like the whole david guetta nothing but the beat cd. it might be overplayed. but i love.

    1. I'm not going for hip. I just need motivation to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. My favorite Pandora station to listen to when I'm running is Beyoncé! I would say 90% of the songs they choose I like, and are up beat! Good luck with training!

    1. Beyonce is a pretty safe bet. She is also good for double motivation. I can dream that if I keep working hard, my legs could eventually look like hers! Ha! Not in this lifetime :) Thanks for the tip!

  4. So many of these are my favs too! Nighttiming, Suit and Tie, Too Close! All perfect. I've recently (or prior to my running injury) been rocking the Hip Hop Pandora station because my work out playlist got a little old. A little Nicki Minaj never hurts!

    1. Ooooh! Good choice. While I love having stand by songs that I always run to, sometimes it's nice to mix it up with random songs someone else picks! How did the world operate before Pandora?!

  5. You are missing Little Talks by Of Monsters & Men and the old school jam, No Diggity. I probably have something by Nelly or Jay Z too, but I can't think of what right now.

    1. Ah, you're right! Old school rap is where it's at!

  6. i need to look up some of these - always looking for energetic music - thanks for posting :)

    1. It's a constant search. You inspired me with all your music mixes, especially your workout one!


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