Monday, January 7, 2013

new year goals + an announcement!

{2011 NYC Marathon}

There is something so refreshing about a new year. It's nice to reflect on the past and learn from your mistakes and successes, but ultimately it's about moving on and making this year even better than the last. Some people feel new year's resolutions are silly, but as an avid list maker, I think there is something really valid in getting your ideas out in the world instead of just floating around in your head. A list is real, tangible, and ultimately attainable. Even if some things fall by the wayside come February, the opportunity for self-improvement is pretty exciting. So here are a few of my goals for this new start in 2013:

1. Run the Brooklyn Half Marathon in the spring. There, I said it. It's on the internet. No backing out now! In the same vein, I want to drag my butt to yoga regularly (if not weekly) and work up the courage to finally start swimming at the gym.

2. Get smarter about my money. Figure out a budget and actually stick to it. Build up some significant savings.

3. Be a maker and a doer. I put my creative endeavors on hold in 2012 to study for exams, but now I am so excited to tackle projects and explore, well, everything!

4. Grow/cultivate this little blog. It is a process I really enjoy, so if it is going to be something I spend a significant amount of time working on, I want it to be the best I can make it and a true reflection of myself.

5. Read things that you enjoy. Books, articles, name it, I want to read it. I had forgotten how enjoyable it is. Plus, it never hurts to have extra conversation topics!

6. Approach everyday with joy, certainty, and kindness instead of fear, anxiety, and apprehension. I know this one is super vague but it's something I want to work on. Too often I find myself internally bogged down by doubt and worry and even anger. This is the year to let it all go and let love in :) If it doesn't come naturally at first, fake it until it does!

Good luck with all your goals and resolutions!

AND I can happily announce that I successfully completed my main goal of 2012. I passed all seven Architecture Registration Exams! Lookout world, I'm going to be an architect!


  1. LOVE your resolutions! You'll have so much fun running the Half Marathon!

    1. Thanks, Brett! I might need some reminders about how much "fun" I'm having when I'm sore and tired :)

  2. Melissa!! I am so glad you posted your post on Facebook. I am always looking for new blogs to follow. Congrats on being an architect! And good luck with training for the half marathon! They are my favorite. Check out my blog at!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I'm very excited about the half marathon process. I've heard good things! Let's hope I have the same experience.

  3. I'm just waiting for you to say when and I will put on my swimsuit and get my butt in the pool. I only request time in the sauna after.

    1. Okay....I will take you up on that soon. Maybe we sneak in with all the New Years newbies and learn the "pool etiquette". No problem with the sauna!

  4. First off - HUGE Congrats on being a real live Architect! Second - I am so proyd of your #1 goal - I can't wait to see it happen! Happy 2013!

    1. Thank you, thank you, Laura Lee! Your support means a lot! I will be sure to keep everyone posted.

  5. You can totally do a half!! I did one a few years ago and it was the best thing ever! It's just a lot of time training... I'm also going to do try out yoga in the next few weeks too. I'm looking forward to it!

    And CONGRATS on passing all of your exams!! That's amazing Melissa! I'm sure you're so excited to have those finished! You go girl!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I AM very excited to be finished with those exams :)

      I'm so happy to hear so many people have run half marathons and LOVED it! It makes me excited to start training. If only it wasn't so chilly outside right now...

  6. Congrats on becoming a "real" architect! I am glad you now have time for more blog posts, so far you have impressed me.

    And WOW, a half marathon! Good for you! I could never.


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