Monday, April 15, 2013

9+ miles

This weekend, I ran the farthest my legs have ever carried me. The guys at the food blog Immaculate Infatuation have been organizing a couple training runs/food outings in preparation for the Brooklyn Half Marathon in May. This weekend, they proposed a loop around Central Park which is about 6 miles. (I was scheduled for 8 miles, so I squeezed in 2 miles before joining the group.) Somehow I convinced Jenn (a self-professed hater of running) to join me for the group run. She was a trooper!

I wouldn't say the other people in the group were hard core runners, but they certainly weren't the take a break by walking for a moment people either. I happen to enjoy the occasional walk break and have no shame in doing it when I run on my own, but something about peer pressure kept us plodding along for the entire loop. (That girl in front of me in the neon jacket and her friend were amazing. They were a great pace to follow.) Due to a slight planning oversight, we did more than an entire lap in order to get to a park exit close to our after-run meal. In all, we did 7.2 miles together and I did 9.2 for the day! There were definitely a few aching body parts by the end of it.

All those miles deserved a healthy reward of calories, so we headed to the UES Shake Shake for lunch. Pictured: Captain Lawrence Sunblock Wheat Ale, Shackburger, and Cheese Fries. I had grand plans to get a milkshake to-go but was stuffed after that burger and it was unexpectedly freezing outside. Early spring is a tricky one.

Once I got home and took an incredibly long, hot shower, Aubie and cuddled up for an intense nap. All that running/eating really takes it out of me! I'm going be wiped out after 13+!


  1. Good for you!! 9 miles is a lot to run! You totally deserved that burger and cheese fries afterward. Doesn't it feel good to accomplish such a distance? And you ran the whole way! Amazing! I should train for a half again. I did one a few years ago, but it takes so much time to train and I think that's been the deterrent for me. Your dedication is inspiring!

    1. It did feel good in that "so many parts of body hurt right now" kind of way :) It does take a bit of time, but it also feels great to work towards a goal. I'm having fun so far!

  2. So glad I didn't start with you. Never again shall I run so far unless something is chasing me. But now I can say I've run the loop in Central Park.

    1. So you're saying I should arrange someone to chase you? :) Thanks for coming! I don't know if I could have stayed motivated without you!

  3. Melissa. That is AWESOME! You are absolutely inspiring me to try longer than a 5k. :)

    1. Do it! I'm now realizing that I probably should have picked an intermediate between a 5k and a half marathon, but it's good to challenge yourself, right? :) Just get out there and run!

  4. Ah! I've been missing your posts since you're not on Bloglovin' :( The best part about running long distances...the food/beer you get to eat after ;)

    1. Good food and drink definitely encourages me to keep putting one foot in front of the other!

      I will have to look into Bloglovin'!

  5. Replies
    1. Yum! I would run many more miles for another one of those burgers :)


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