Wednesday, November 7, 2012

party @ the center 2012

Wow. What a night! I was nervous all day about the election results but could not be more thrilled to see President Obama have the opportunity of  four more years in the White House! During his first term we were all looking for HOPE and CHANGE, but now I hope to see lots of ACTION (since no one is too concerned about being elected again). I'm invigorated and optimistic about government in the years to come and look forward to it moving ahead.

I dare you to watch Obama's acceptance speech without tears in your eyes. I've been struggling through it all morning! Congratulations, Mr. President!

Well, the Party @ The Center was once again a success. Of course my camera died earlier that day, so all I have to show you are lousy instagram pictures.We handed out glow sticks at the door to party attendees.

Eventually the dance party picked up, so made our way to the floor.

Disco theme!

Saying we closed down the party would be an understatement. We were challenged to a dance marathon at the very end of the night by some of Jenn's friends. Amateurs. We totally outlasted everyone on the dance floor without breaking a sweat. 


  1. Those silly young ones thought they could take us. Phff

  2. Thanks for linking to the acceptance speech...rewatched it, amazing.

  3. Looks like fun!

    And yay, Mr. President! :)


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