Monday, April 14, 2014

weekend in review

Kurt and I finally got to try out the new shuffleboard club in Gowanus this weekend. I'll go into more detail later but let's just say I'm a natural (I think "dream crusher" was the exact description). One day we had breakfast at Dub Pies (which is becoming a weekend ritual) before I baked piles and piles of cookies for Kurt's softball team. I then foolishly agreed to accompany him to the game on our bikes...25 miles later (not even kidding) I earned a lovely dinner at Van Horn in Cobble Hill. I miss their sandwiches (and hushpuppies!) but our sweet potato gnocchi and bone marrow grits were incredible. The ride was actually great and not all that strenuous along the west side bike path. My butt is sore today but I am so thrilled to be back in bike riding weather that I almost don't notice. Almost.


  1. You need my zoom lens to find my (making plays!) far far away in the outfield!

    25 for one of your first rides of the year is impressive. I think we could hit a half century ride this year!

  2. I heard the new shuffle board place is amazing! A co-worker went a few weeks ago and loved it. We are hoping to plan a happy hour there soon!


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