Wednesday, April 23, 2014

macy's flower show 2014

When I was in college, a group of friends and I took a Spring Break trip to NYC. We crashed on friends' hard floors, walked until our feet cried, froze our tails off in March (these Alabama kids were so confused), learned that no one is happy on an empty stomach, and actually had the best time ever. Although my NYC seed had been planted years before, it is still one of my fondest trips and a big reason I moved here after college. One random point of the trip that stands out for me is going to Macy's to check it off our very ambitious list of city sights we just had to see. We happened to be in town during the annual flower show where the ground floor handbag, jewelry, and beauty counters were draped in the most gorgeous floral arrangements. There was a strict schedule to abide by but our group wandered through and enjoyed the blooms for a moment before running off to our next destination.

Last year, Jenn and I decided to check out the show and I was shocked to see it housed in a trailer outside in Herald Square. Don't get me wrong, it was gorgeous, but the show was nothing like I remembered from my previous visit ages ago. This year, I was secretly thrilled to see the show return indoors. It might have been a little less grand and really hard to get photos without people walking through them, but there is something so charming about a familiar memory. I was happy to reminisce about having a fantastic time with dear old friends excited to absorb as much of the city as possible. 

So much has changed but so much remains the same. If you visit now, I will offer you a hard pull out couch to rest your head. You will be forced to bike miles until your legs scream. You'll sweat buckets because I do my best hosting June-August and I don't have A/C. But rest assured you will be well-fed and hydrated because I've learned NYC is best experienced through food. I do love this city!


  1. And I will show you all of the landscape architectural treasures the cit has to offer along the ride!

  2. Oh, the memories! That was the best spring break EVER... though we may have over scheduled ourselves just a little bit!

  3. i went once - it is pretty amazing. love that red flower dress!


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