Friday, September 21, 2012

first friday

The Architectural League took the summer off from First Fridays. Thankfully, we got back in the swing of things in September with an office visit to Weiss/Manfredi

It seems like every office we visit has a drop dead gorgeous view. I am beyond jealous. I probably wouldn't get any work done here. I would be staring out the window all day watching boats sail around on the Hudson River.

Well look who's here! A extra special surprise guest! Well, not that much of a surprise these days...Uel always seems to end up in NYC right around Christian's birthday. Funny how that happens. We hung out in Weiss/Manfredi's print room/kitchen to catch fresh beers as they were pulled out the fridge.

Not to be out-birthdayed, we decided to celebrate Kurt and Christian's big days on one night. What better way to warm up for the evening than with free beer and snacks?

We eventually made our way to Greenpoint to meet up with more friends at Spritzenhaus

There was beer and German sausages and a few rounds of Jenga. Then we headed to Public Assembly (aka the darkest place on earth, hence no photos) for a little bit of dancing. You would have thought it was my birthday because I'm such an old lady these days. I was super tired and made Kurt leave early with me. These crazy kids party too hard for me! :)

Happy Birthday, Kurt and Christian!!!!


  1. Crazy kids partying to late for you?! How much older are we....?

  2. Oh, we also met Michael Manfredi as he was restocking the beer table. He was great, really nice chat with him about landscape architecture.


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