Tuesday, January 10, 2012

sitting on the wild side

Remember this guy from my Film Biz Prop Shop spree? And remember all those crazy fabrics I picked up when I was in Alabama? Well, it was about time they met. A while back I saw some chairs on Design*Sponge recovered in zebra fabric and thought it would be perfect for this guy.

After some yanking and cursing, I was able to pry the old seat off the frame.

Then I consulted my Lazy Girls Guide to Life and it suggested I leave the original padding and fabric on the seat and just cover with my new pattern. It was in good shape and saved me a whole lot of work. (FYI, I do not own such a manual and have no idea if it actually exists. It's just how most of my DIY projects tend to go these days.)

I pulled the fabric taut all the way around and used an excessive amount of staples then trimmed the extra fabric.

Voila! Almost done!

I'm pretty happy with my handiwork! I never thought I would be an animal print kind of person but I am digging it. Kurt is going to kill me, but I kind of wish I had two of them! :)

It was a crazy warm day, so after all my hard work, Erik, Jenn, Kurt and I went out for ice cream! It doesn't get much better than that!


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