Tuesday, April 19, 2011

chickpea crazy

For some reason I've been on a chickpea kick lately. They seem moderately healthy and easy to make things with. I think I've reached my quota for a while and will be taking chickpea hiatus, but I did make a couple interesting concoctions.

One time Jenn made some roasted chickpeas at 731. I swear they were the best thing I had ever tasted. I was excited to find this recipe for Kickin' Chickpeas on a new food blog I have been following. I made them once this weekend to take to a BBQ. They were definitely kickin' and were a little too spicy for my taste (although the Martigs loved them). I tried again at home with half the amount of cayenne and a dash of sugar in hopes of making them a little sweet. They are still pretty tangy and the sugar is nonexistent. I brought them to work and they have gotten rave reviews from my coworkers.

It doesn't make much of a difference to buy three cans of chickpeas as opposed to two, so I grabbed an extra and found this recipe on another food blog (can you guess how out of control my reader is these days?!). Yes, underneath that pile of cheese, there are some chickpeas. I made a few amendments to the recipe like using prosciutto instead of bacon and omitting several ingredients because I was lazy. In the end, my pan had too much liquid in it, so the beans never got "toasty" but it was still pretty good. Lots of Parmesan cheese always helps :)  

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