Monday, December 16, 2013

weekend in review

We're finally getting into the holiday swing over here. Kurt and I don't get a tree, but I finally put up some decorations around our apartment. Treats are starting to arrive at the office from consultants and clients. There are some festive parties and lots of holiday card writing while watching Love Actually. Saturday brought in a whole bunch of snow and happened to coincide with some friends getting together for a progressive dinner here in Brooklyn. Our clothes were dampened but our spirits were not. Kurt and I hosted the appetizer section of dinner. He made corn chowder and I experimented with sweet potato corn cakes while our fake fireplace roared on the TV. At another stop, we swapped gifts that ranged from bottles of alcohol to duct tape. The night rounded out with indoor Cornhole, Sorry!, and Catch Phrase. Sunday was the laziest day I've had in a while. Kurt and I grabbed brunch at Thistle Hill Tavern (those are delicious biscuits and gravy pictured) followed by napping and online Christmas shopping. We wrapped up the night by watching Homeland. That show is an emotional roller coaster and I don't know what I will do without it until the next season (if there IS a next season!!). Now I'm just counting down the hours until my vacation begins (only one week left!).


  1. Have I ever mentioned how much I love it when it snows? We need more of that around here.

  2. YES - Homeland was insane! I hope there's another season, but also, where will they go with the story now?!

    Your brunch is making me salivate... looks so good!

  3. Beautiful photos! I've never been into NY beyond cutting through to Canada. I really need to make a trip up there, it looks beautiful!


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