Sunday, May 22, 2011

the move

I finally got my internet hooked up this weekend. My cat may have caused the Time Warner technician to have an allergic reaction, but I can finally get around to posting about the move!

I was sick the entire week before I moved, so packing was kind of miserable. All I wanted to do was sleep, but things needed to be boxed and organized. Even though I stand by the claim that I don't have that much stuff, I decided I still had too much stuff. I wish I had taken the time before the move to trash/donate about half the things I don't use or need anymore.

Eventually the weekend rolled around and I started getting nostalgic about my old neighborhood. Fort Greene is truly so pretty. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Saturday morning Kurt and I shared a bagel on the roof of my building on last time to soak it all in. 

Once Kurt and I picked up a U-Haul truck, my friend Andrea came over to help us load. Climbing up and down to the third floor repeatedly is kind of rough but we powered through and eventually had the room cleared.

It's strange to see your entire life in the back of a truck.

Goodbye, little corner!

So long, lovely street.

Hello, big girl apartment! Kurt's brother, Erik, helped us empty the truck which went by super fast. I am constantly amazed by the strength of guys. After moving all my possessions from one third floor walk-up to another, I was exhausted

When we unloaded the truck, everything just got dumped in the apartment. I was so tired from moving, but my OCD tendencies would not let myself rest until things were moderately organized. I spent the remainder of the afternoon situating furniture and putting clothes away.

One of my favorite things about the new place: a completely empty refrigerator. No more confusion about whether something is yours or your roommate's. No more forgotten mystery containers growing mold at the back. No more fighting for space when someone decides to get a year supply of butter at Costco. 

It's. All. Mine.

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