Monday, February 28, 2011

Cranberry Orange Scones

Mmmm. I do love scones. Some people think they are too dry, but I think that makes the perfect complement to a nice cup of coffee. They make such a good breakfast pair. I've never attempted to make my beloved scones before, but trusted Ina Garten to hold my hand through the process with her recipe here. They turned out pretty nicely. On the next go around, I might try to pump up the orange flavor because it was pretty undetectable. I should also be more patient when applying the glaze at the end and wait for the scones to cool. And lastly, mine ended up a little brown on the bottom, so I may heed Ina's advice and line my cookie sheet with parchment paper.

(Mildly related) I recognize that scones should be treats and not consumed everyday. Since I can only pawn so many off on Kurt and my roommates, I decided to half the recipe but ended up with all these funky measurements. How much is 3/8 of a cup?! Luckily, there is an app for that :) A free unit converting app was just what I needed. I am growing fond of my little iPhone and finding new uses for it a lot, especially while I am cooking. I won't say I have completely drank the kool-aid yet, but getting close (apparently I drank the Wikipedia kool-aid a long time ago).

(Less related) Don't you love my cute Crate and Barrel plate? I think I want to add this one to my collection next.

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