Wednesday, January 8, 2014

lately, movies and cold(s)

I'm sort of getting the hang of this winter thing. Not the single digit temperatures (oh no no no no no) but the hibernation part. I leave the house as little as possible and when I do, I've successfully shrank my world to about a 3 block radius. I've learned to layer like a champ and have even taken to drinking hot tea. Exciting stuff, right?

When Kurt and I returned from the holidays in West Virginia and Alabama, I caught a cold and was laid up on the couch for New Years AND my birthday. (On the bright side, I've learned to make an excellent hot toddy*) During my recovery, Kurt and I spent a lot of time in front of the TV. In addition to endless football bowl games, we even watched a few movies and I was pretty pleased with the lot of them (all on Netflix): Our Idiot Brother: surprisingly cute and funny. Paul Rudd plays that hilarious role so well. Plus, I'll watch anything Zooey is in. Frances Ha: a little slow to get going but a pretty accurate depiction of some people you will meet in New York. You start out annoyed with the lead character but end up rooting for her in the end. I Give It a Year: British and oh so hilarious. Kurt and I burst out laughing so many times. I was also pleasantly surprised with the ending. Not what I was expecting.

For my birthday, I made Kurt take sniffly me to the movies. Since we moved in May, it's the first time we visited the theater that is literally around the corner from our apartment. We saw American Hustle. I thought it was good, and Kurt really liked it. The plot is pretty serious but so many parts were funny to lighten it up. The costumes and hair styling were amazing. Then Kurt had to work one day on the weekend, so I took myself to see Her at BAM. It was so good--my favorite of the bunch. Joaquin Pheonix was excellent and the whole movie was beautiful. There seemed to be this rosy haze over all the scenes. The story really makes you think about our relationship with technology and where we'll go in the future. Definitely go see it if you can!

*Gravytrain Cold Remedy
1-1/4 oz whiskey
1 cup hot water
lemon slices
honey (sometimes I use a little Mike's Hot Honey for an extra kick/sinus clearing)


  1. So sorry you were sick! I sure hope you didn't catch it while at our house. **fingers crossed**

  2. hope you are feeling better! I really want to see both American Hustle and Her. I also want to see Lone Survivor and Wolf of Wall Street. Brian and I actually rarely go to the movies. Between Netflix and our collection of DVDs still in the package at home we always have something to watch! Hopefully we can make it to the theater soon.

  3. You're getting better about layering. Now its about bolstering your merino wool base layer collection (particularly Icebreaker merino).

  4. YES to that hot toddy-ish drink you described. always works to get me better. we watched our idiot brother and liked it too - funny, cute, easy to watch. definitely some great moments like when he's counting his money on the subway and when he walks in on the director. we also say american hustle and really liked the way the story was told and the characters. now i want to see i give it a year, but i'm on the fence about her. i'm sure it will be good, i guess i just have to get in the mood for it (if that makes sense).

  5. Your cold remedy is genius. I can see we have the same taste in movies - did you watch Drinking Buddies yet? (I liked).

  6. Your cold remedy is genius. I can see we have the same taste in movies - did you watch Drinking Buddies yet? (I liked).

  7. Your cold remedy is genius. I can see we have the same taste in movies - did you watch Drinking Buddies yet? (I liked).


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