Friday, June 21, 2013

etsy craft party

Last night, Kristin invited me to attend an Etsy Craft Party at the Tobacco Warehouse in DUMBO. 

I didn't exactly know what to expect for the craft night but I assumed we would be doing something with paper or paint or gluing things together. Turns out we were embroidering and sewing puppets to donate. I like to consider myself semi-crafty but the fabric arts are definitely not my strong suit (hence my sewing machine that is gathering dust in a closet). 

I took this photo towards the end, so it looks kind of empty, but during the height of the event, all these tables were full of ladies sewing away on their puppets. They had a fun DJ to keep us entertained while toiling away at our project. I spent half the time trying to thread my needle and the other half very intently trying not to poke myself with it and bleed all over the puppet. 

Needless to say, I was slow and my face turned out lopsided and messy. I feel bad for the poor child that gets stuck with my puppet! (The Etsy Lab folks are going to sew the two sides together later)

On the other hand, Kristin did an awesome job and hers turned out very cute! I guess I need to brush up on (or just gain in the first place) my sewing skills. There were tons of other skilled ladies there too. I wish I hadn't been so focused on my work. It would have been fun to mingle more with the crowd. Hopefully next time they will pick an activity I can master!

And a few random thoughts for your Friday:
  • I am always very late to the game when it comes to TV shows, but I have been hooked on Scandal lately. Do you guys watch? Unfortunately, Kurt doesn't really like to watch it and we're typically at the apartment at the same time, so I don't get to binge watch like I would desire. So far, cohabitation has been great but I do slightly miss the independence of living alone and doing as I please. This includes watching marathons of dumb TV shows.
  • A show we have been able to agree on and love is Coupling. It is a British comedy about relationships (like Friends) that Kurt introduced me to and ran in the early 2000s. We've been watching a couple episodes every night on Netflix while we eat dinner and it is SO hilarious. I highly recommend it. I am going to be very sad when we run through all the seasons!
  • In addition to watching our British friends on TV nightly, my current train ride book, One Day, is set in London. I'm afraid I might slip into an English accent soon! Regardless, the book is really great so far and I can't wait to see how it ends. Has anyone seen the movie? Sometimes I find Anne Hathway annoying, but after I finish this book, I will probably have to watch it for comparison.
  • There is something about summer that makes me want to replace my entire wardrobe and shoe collection. Since that sounds expensive, I'll start with a couple new pairs of shoes. I ordered these to replace a pair I have that are very similar. And in an attempt to break out of my flats only rut, I also got these. Practically orthopedic, right? Baby steps here.
  • It's the summer solstice! It's the longest day of the year and the day Kurt and I celebrate our anniversary. 4 years! Can you believe it?! I hope you all enjoy the long hours of sun today and have a great weekend!


  1. I actually really like your puppet! I think it looks cute tilted to the side like that! That sounds like the coolest craft party ever. I'll have to look around to see if they do anything like that in my area.

    Love those two pairs of shoes you got. Aaaand speaking of cohabitation, I would love to see your new place with all of your combined belongings in it :)

  2. Scandal is probably my favorite show on TV right now. I love Kerry Washington. If Kurt won't watch it with you, come to my place and I will watch it all over again!


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