Friday, May 3, 2013

i'm gonna write you a letter...

[I'm gonna write you a book...I want to see your reaction...I want to see how it that song!]

With the impending move right around the corner, get ready for lots of new apartment posts! So let's talk mail. Besides the painful process of changing your information with the post office, updating credit cards, and switching utilities, I'm actually looking forward to a new address. 

the paperwink // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4

This will be my fifth New York City apartment, in case anyone is keeping track. When I first moved here, I was really good at sending snail mail. I was partly motivated by these cute return address stamps (#2 was my go to). I got one for the first couple apartments I lived in, but then I became a serial mover and gave up the sort of expensive habit. I don't know how long Kurt and I will be in this new place but I am super excited to commit to a new stamp! There are lots of cute ones floating around on etsy. I'm leaning towards something that mixes handwritten script with print. Here are a few I am considering...

foryoo // 1 // 2 // 3

Which do you like best? I think the last two are my favorite. I can't wait to order one and start sending some someone other than my landlord :)

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm hosting one last party (Derby themed, of course) at my current place and doing a long training run on Sunday. And who can let Cinco de Mayo pass without celebrating with a margarita or two? Let's hope I can fit some packing in there somewhere!


  1. Amsterdam by Guster! My boyfriend, Brian, and I have seen them eight times in concert over the past several years... they are definitely "our band" as a couple. Your post motivated me to update my own return address labels. I love sending real mail, and have made it a goal every year to send mail often to family and friends back home in Minnesota.

    Looking forward to more apartment posts!

    1. OMG! 8 times! You guys are crazy and I love it. It's so fun that they are "your band". So sweet!

      I'm glad I could motivate you to get back to sending mail. It's so fun to send AND receive, it's a shame we don't do it more often.

  2. I loooove address stamps. They are so pretty! I think they add such charm to handwritten envelopes.

    I'm also pretty sure that song is by Low Millions! I used to love them in high school.

    1. I have never heard of Low Millions. I will have to look them up!

  3. Omg. I just favorited SO MANY of these. Thanks for turning me on to this habit ;)


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