Wow, where does the time go? It's Thursday evening and I feel like this week has engulfed me. Either there aren't enough hours in the day or work just takes up too many of the ones there are. And I don't even work a lot! A couple hours of overtime this week (which is wildly rare) and I've fallen behind on everything, including the gym, cooking actual meals, blogging, and that little thing called studying. I don't know how people with demanding jobs and kids and families (or even dogs!) do it all. Makes me think of this article (found via) I read a while back. Maybe I should really analyze how I spend my time (hello, google reader, I'm looking at you) and cut out things that "aren't a priority". Needless to say, I'm behind on my weekly recap and an account of our DC trip might have to wait until the weekend. Apologies!
Anyway, what seems like an eternity ago, Kurt left for his trip to New Zealand and Samoa. (Here Kurt and his brother are discussing their game plan. Me=jealous) I completely over estimated my independence and figured I would be fine without him. I'll keep the sap to a minimum, but I really miss having him around! Luckily I've been nonstop busy, so I haven't had much downtime to think about it.
The night before he left, we had dinner and drinks at (a favorite of ours) Habana Outpost in Fort Greene. I miss this place so much in the winter. They have cheap beer and one of the best Cuban sandwiches I've tasted. It was bittersweet bidding Kurt bon voyage but I hope this is the first of many trip to Habana Outpost this year.
The day after Kurt left, I took my second ARE, testing my luck on the Schematic Design portion. It was a little different than I had anticipated, so keep your fingers crossed that it went well! Unlike my last exam, I was busy at work, so I decided to head back to the office afterwards. This leads to a pretty mind numbing day! Avoid if you can!
The one upside of going into Manhattan was partaking in the AFHny happy hour after work.
I filled up on prosecco and cupcakes while Jenn Christian and I discussed our upcoming trip to Washington DC. (Coincidence that they served Georgetown Cupcakes?!)
Pretty lights at Luceplan!
And over the weekend we made it to DC! I had so much fun and we saw tons of what the District has to offer, covering miles by bike and on foot. Even us New Yorkers were tired from all the walking!
This is the view from our awesome apartment (found on airbnb). Even without Kurt's help, I managed to take a boatload of pictures and will share them along with stories as soon as I can :)

Thanks for enduring my rant about time and the lack thereof. I can't claim to be totally swamped this week, because Jenn and I carved out some time to make it to the Burger Bistro in Park Slope. We had Scoutmob coupons for FREE ice cream sandwiches that we could not pass up. The veggie burger and sweet potato fries were good but the ice cream sandwich is worth writing home about. Give it a try.
I hope you have a relaxing, free-time filled weekend!
Haven't read post yet. Just got some (expensive) internet access in Apia, Samoa...loading up a bunch of pages to read later. So I will comment on the post later!
ReplyDeleteOooh! Is that a twitter feed I see down below!?!?!? :-)
I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures you have of DC and really think we should go back for ice cream sandwiches as soon as possible.