Thursday, October 21, 2010

Passports ready...we're heading to the South!

Woo hoo! Kurt and I finally booked our flights to see the Georgia Bulldogs take on my beloved Auburn Tigers on November 14th! The game is in Auburn this year and (somewhat) conveniently coincides with a friend's wedding in Pensacola, Florida on Sunday. It's going to be quite a trip!

Our long journey begins on Thursday evening when we fly into Nashville. My parents have agreed to pick us up, and we will spend the night in Ardmore. I haven't been home since another wedding in April, so Kurt and I are going to hang out with my parents on Friday. I've been trying to brainstorm all the fun things we can do in Huntsville!  So far, I've come up with the Space and Rocket Center, the Huntsville Botanical Gardens, and Constitution Village (where my mom used to work...period costume and all!). I doubt any of those things will happen. Hopefully we will just tool around Downtown Hunstville and Big Spring Park. I'm looking forward to a couple nice (and free!) meals with my folks and seeing all the improvements they've been doing on the house since they've been kid-free!

The means are unclear, but sometime Friday evening, Kurt and I are being transported to Birmingham. We may catch a ride with Jen's sister Sarah and fiancé Greg or my parents may take us. We'll be crashing at Casa Hale so we can be ready bright and early Saturday morning to head down to Auburn! I'm hoping the game is later in the day, so we can have a full day of tailgating (I hope Kurt will take notes and report back to Columbus!) and visiting with old friends. I also want to try and show Kurt some of campus and the town before the game. I haven't been back since graduation...I'm afraid I won't recognize the place!

Sunday morning, Kurt and I will be hitching a ride (thanks, Jess!) to the Gulf Coast (it will be so hard to come back to blustery New York after seeing the Florida beach!). Courtney, my former NYC cohort, is getting hitched that afternoon. She met her soon-to-be-husband at Auburn and they did the long distance thing between New York and Alabama for a while. I'm looking forward to briefly getting to know her guy, catching up with Courtney, seeing some old friends, and, of course, enjoying a wedding! I'm sure Kurt will be bored to tears (at least it isn't interfering with a football Saturday!) but it should be a good time. I'm not sure about the alcohol and dancing situation, but I don't foresee this being an all night party type of wedding. Good thing, because Kurt and I have to catch a flight from Pensacola back to NYC that night. Since we are taking the entire Friday off to visit with my parents, we did some itinerary acrobatics to get back to our city in time for work on Monday. I'm exhausted just thinking about all the running around already!

This will be Kurt's first Auburn game, so I really hope we can beat Georgia (shouldn't be too hard since we are currently ranked #4! Woo hoo!) but how adorable is their mascot Uga?! What number are they on now? Nova will eat him for breakfast but I still think he is a super cute wrinkly mess :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You were getting a little arrogant just last week when ranked #4! From experience, be careful. :-)

    I'm looking forward to this trip. It's been a pretty good traveling year, every 2-3 months we go somewhere, I like it.

    I'd also like to slip in there a visit to Rail Road Park designed by a pretty prominent landscape architect Tom Leader.

    We need more work on my Auburn cheers... they seem more complicated than just spelling our state's name...


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