Most recent present to myself: new boots (I'm much too generous to myself sometimes, or, let's face it, most times). I finally broke down and bought this pair. I resisted succumbing to the convenience of this pair even though I walk by Aerosoles everyday. I'm attempting a crusade to be a hip New Yorker and those Mom boots would have taken me a step in the wrong direction. I got a huge box from Piperlime at work yesterday (I've never done more online shopping than when I moved to a city with any store you could ever imagine, go figure) and crafted my entire outfit around wearing my new purchase today. Sadly, the forecast is calling for rain, so I may be forced to change into my sneakers when I leave work (read: not so hip).
I often have a hard time finding boots thanks to my athletic calves (I spent the first 10 years of my life walking around on my tip-toes, dreaming of being a ballerina. I am convinced that is to blame for ample leg muscles). These boots are a little slouchy, so they fit there nicely. They have a baby heel which does not make an awful click-clack noise on the ground (a much abhorred feature of my retired pair). To me, they actually have a little bit of a pirate look to them, which is neither a good or bad thing. I've been so over my entire wardrobe lately; I'm hoping this new addition will inject some life into my attitude about my current clothes. Or maybe I will have to make some new additions to play into the pirate theme: off the shoulder dresses, puffy sleeves blouses, and maybe even a parrot.... At least my Halloween costume would be worked out!
I also ordered this pair from Piperlime. I like them a lot as well but they were a tad too tall for my vertically challenged legs and came over my knees (without being a design feature of the shoe)! Back in the box they go.
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