Friday, September 27, 2013

charleston: east and west of king

This one's for you, Mom!

Sorry for bombarding you with Charleston photos. But I'm really not sorry because it's so effing pretty. I'm doing you a favor! So when we weren't strolling down King Street, Kurt and I did some perusing of the other neighborhoods on the peninsula. Items of note:

We stayed at the NotSo Hostel in the Cannonborough/Elliotborough neighborhood (great deal, by the way!). It is mainly residential with some really great bars and restaurants sprinkled throughout. It was nice and quiet with places that seem under the radar of tourists and college kids. I feel like all our travels these days are viewed through the "could we live here?" lens. If we ever call Charleston home, I wouldn't mind living somewhere around that area.

The College of Charleston has such a gorgeous campus.

The Historic City Market is kind of fun. If you can block out all the tourists and cheesy souvenirs and imagine yourself 200 years ago, the building is super interesting with gorgeous light.

Waterfront Park. I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet like I was five years old when Kurt took me here and proceeded to take a billion photos. In fact, it is quite beautiful. I'm just a brat.

Wandering is underrated. I wish we had had time to do more!

Don't worry...more Charleston posts to come next week! Have a great weekend!!!


  1. You know Sasaki nailed it with that park and nearby development!!!

  2. gorgeous photos!! I love Charleston - the architecture of the old homes is just beautiful.


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