Sunday, December 23, 2012

oh, the parties!

I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays with friends and family either at home (or your home away from home). I'm currently hanging out in Alabama with my parents. I've been enjoying last minute Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, and watching lots of TV. We are heading to pick Kurt up in Nashville this evening and his flight is already delayed! Let's hope he makes it in at some reasonable hour. I've been such a lazy blogger lately, so I thought I would do a quick rundown of the holiday parties I attended before leaving NYC for my vacation in the South.

AFHny holiday party at the DDC showroom. Look at Jenn up there doing her Managing Director thing! 

Women in Architecture holiday party at the GE Monogram showroom. The food is always stellar there!

Ohio-NYC holiday party at Owl Farm. Kurt was so thrilled about meeting some new local Buckeyes. The bar was so impressed by the turnout, they may be interested in making it a monthly event. I need more Ohio in my life!

They did have a fun raffle of some awesome Ohio-centric prizes though. Kurt got some Stadium Mustard...

...and I won some Skyline Chili. Woo hoo!

Skyline Restoration (contracting company Kurt's firm works with) holiday party at the super swanky A Voce Columbus in the Time Warner Center.

Lovely lights at Bloomingdale's as seen from our cab heading to Greenpoint

Some other architect friends invited us to this awesome Polish contractor party in Greenpoint. The food, drinks, dancing, and venue were amazing. I felt like I was at a Polish wedding, flaming dessert table and all.  I even ran into a former co-worker and was able to catch up. Awesome night! 

Kurt's brother and girlfriend got Kurt and I tickets to see Fuerza Bruta for Christmas. The show was pretty incredible. Fun, interactive dance party spectacular.

One of our favorite bars near Kurt's apartment, Greenwood Park, has been transformed into a winter wonderland.

Jenn hosted her 6th Annual Holiday Cookie Party. As always, we ate and drank lots of good things and shared good holiday cheer. I contributed some Pear and Brown Butter Blondies and No-Bake Nutella Peanut Butter Cookies. Pretty good if I say so myself. Our office sure appreciated all the treats (and half-heartedly complained about all the calories) the rest of the week.

Our work holiday party began in the office with champagne in plastic cups before heading over to Commerce Restaurant in the West Village. One of our boss' husbands is a food critic, so he made a call and we got lots of free things from the kitchen and the chef came to our table for a chat. All the food was amazing, but Jenn and I really loved the desserts. We all sampled that amazing coconut cake and I shared a couple bites of my pumpkin ice cream. 

My last evening in town, we attended the Architecture League holiday party in their SoHo office.

After the Arch League, Kurt and I had to wait for a table for dinner, so we got a drink at the nearby Salt Bar in the Lower East Side. Kurt thinks I'm such a nerd, but I was thrilled to see the founder of Apartment Therapy there on a date! I am such a stalker. 

We finally got a table at the Clinton Street Baking Co. and omigod the food was awesome! Kurt and I shared a stack of blueberry pancakes and some shrimp and grits. The free biscuits they give to all the tables are heavenly too. I definitely recommend it!

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope to have some fun reports from Alabama soon!


  1. You are a party animal! AND I LOVE IT!

    What a holiday season you've had! So much fun. :)

  2. wow i need to see NYC during the holidays - on my bucket list for sure!


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