Tuesday, August 14, 2012

outdoor movie

A couple Fridays ago, we took part in a great NYC summer activity: the outdoor movie. Lucky for me, the Intrepid Museum was playing Jurassic Park, one of my all-time favorite movies. Ever. It's embarrassing how much I love this movie.

In order to get a good movie viewing spot, there is a lot of waiting around. Luckily, Jenn and I raided Trader Joe's for way too many snacks which we proceeded to wash down with wine spritzers (i.e. the most brilliant idea I've ever had. Say what you will but I'm a total spritzer convert).

Besides lots of geeky, dinosaur loving movie goers (oh, was that just me?) the deck of the Intrepid is home to tons of old planes and helicopters. And see that bubble in the way back? That's the new home of the Space Shuttle Enterprise. I'm telling you, this boat is enormous!

Eventually the deck filled up and we were treated to a lovely sunset. It goes without saying that the movie was wonderful. The crowd was awesome too! Everyone would laugh and cheer and clap at all the right parts. Oh, and did I mention that the whole thing was free?! Such a fun summer evening. I hope to do it again soon before summer escapes us for good!

{last image thanks to Kurt!}


  1. Wow! That is an amazing place to watch an outdoor movie! I love the sunsetting in the background, that its on a boat and the skyline is off in the distance! So makes me want to move there.

  2. Jurassic Park is awesome!! It is also my favorite -- this must be why we're friends!

  3. Awesome! I was JUST on the Intrepid last weekend, how funny! It was so much fun!


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